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Feb 28, 2019

Free To Learn by Peter Gray is one of the most influential books about alternative approaches to education. In this review, Jake highlights the most useful ideas in the book, especially the focus on the role of play in learning and the explanation of how school interferes with learning.

Jake also provides some...

Jan 24, 2019

366 Three Alternatives To School

This episode explores three alternatives to school: unschooling, road-schooling and Sudbury schools.

Show Notes:

Jun 28, 2018

I've had some interesting listener feedback from the recent episodes about questioning education. In this episode I respond to some of the points raised by listeners.

Show Notes:

339 Questioning Education

340 Review of The Case Against Education


343 Listener Feedback on Questioning Education

Jun 8, 2018

Most of what you learn in school and college is practically useless, yet education is (often) a very good investment. How can this be? This episode is a review of Bryan Caplan's book, The Case Against Education.

Show Notes:

Jun 3, 2018

This episode is the first in a series questioning key life choices around the topic of education. How valuable is education? How much education does it make a sense to get? Does education lead to greater freedom and fulfillment in life? I introduce different views on education that I will be exploring: the traditional...